Sunday, February 28, 2010

Do We Look Like Poor Gringos To You?

The other day we had to go to Santa Elena to run some errands. I hate going by myself, so all four decided to go and while we were there we went around to introduce our boys to some of our friends there. We saw our vet, who's wife is very outgoing and talks so much that she knows everything about us and has been DYING to see the boys. We also went by to see our lab technician who is the guy who told us we were pregnant and also knows too much about us both. We also really wanted to show them off to Cristina. We finally tracked her down in the market.

Walking through the market with two little white babies is quite the trip. Everybody is commenting about the twins and several of the more outspoken ladies yell at you to come over so they can hold the boys, talk about twins and smother them with kisses. While standing around talking to Cristina, an indigenous lady in her typical dress (we don't see too many dressed like that here because of the heat) came up to Shelley and handed her a Q5 bill. She said, "Take this for your children." The look on Cristina's face mirrored what I was thinking and she said, "For WHAT?" The lady responded, "It means something to me" and walked off.

Usually people are asking us for money, so it was very odd to have it happen this way in reverse. I have no idea what it means to this lady, whether personal or religious, but it was definitely an experience I won't soon forget. I'm sure everybody else watching also thought it odd.


  1. Twins are very holy in Mayan culture, albino children as well. Read the Mayan creation story and you will understand where the lady was coming from when she gave you the bill, I think it was a kind of offering.

  2. That's really sweet! I always got a ton of looks when I had the boys in the suti as babies. With Dorian, women in the market frequently asked me if he was mine or if I'd bought him (???) . . . Dante was pretty obvious because he had blue eyes for over a year. :D
